Group classes designed to meet you and your goals where every you're at.
A unique concept to training that will have you living large and long.
Bringing a sense of community and camaraderie that we enjoyed from team sports.
Everyday Strength + Fitness
Our signature group training class for the everyday athlete.
We hit the sweet-spot in strength training, functional fitness and body composition.
A hybrid approach to your workout routine...
Comprehensive strength training programming with progressive overload in mind to increase the weight you can lift.
Constantly varied full body fitness pieces, and high intensity exercises for cardiovascular conditioning.
Body composition approaches focusing on lower weights, higher reps and shorter rest periods. Movements through isolated upper and lower body sessions to target each muscle group.
Lift things, sweat, stay in shape, blow off some steam, move for health. Whatever your reason for showing up, we'll back you in.
The A Series. Most of our classes start with a focus on building strength. This means squatting, deadlifting, pressing and pulling in all forms. The exercise is completed in isolation at your own pace, with a huge emphasis on technique and weight selection that’s right for you.BODY COMPOSITION
The B Series. Performed after our major strength movement of the day, it’s designed to help build lean muscle mass and drop body fat through the proper selection of load, reps, intensity and tempo of movements.PERFORMANCE
We have a dedicated day for weightlifting (Cleans, Snatches, Overhead Squats) and there variations. These movements are added to our program to help you display power and become more athletic. At no time, do we do anything that's too complex. The basics done well in these movements get us exactly what we are after and have a major pay off in your strength + fitness progressions.FITNESS
C Series, the final component of class. We use a wide range of exercises (implements like dumbbells and kettlebells, wall balls, box jumps, erg machines etc.). Different modalities (rounds for time, AMRAP’S, intervals etc.) And a mix of short, medium and long duration time domains to build your work capacity, fitness and health. -
Back Squat @80%
Every 2-minutes for 4 Sets Perform:
5x Back Squats
In 12-minutes Complete 4 Sets:
8x Barbell Romanian Deadlift, 4010
20x Front Rack Lunges
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Calories Machine
20 Burpees
30 Wall Ball Shots
400m Run
We follow a goal-based class structure, balancing upper and lower body for a structurally balanced body and ability to train up to 6 days a week.
Lower Body, expect to Squat every MondayTUESDAY
Upper Body, expect to Press + Pull every TuesdayWEDNESDAY
Upper Body, expect to Bench Press very ThursdayFRIDAY
Lower Body, expect to Deadlift every FridaySATURDAY
All about partner conditioning workouts.A model for those who want variety in their day to day training, but also understand the importance of consistency for optimal results.
From experience, people who train with us have goals that fall into one or more of these categories:
✓ Build strength
✓ Improve body composition
✓ Increase fitness
✓ Enhance performance
There is no greater feeling than being strong, looking good, moving well and feeling great, all at the same time. Regardless of what that looks like relative to anyone else, we can get you there.

This class is all about fitness and conditioning the body.
Workouts with ever-changing movement combinations, time domains, rep schemes and styles of workouts so you never lose interest.
We use a wide range of implements (wall balls, boxes, kettlebells, sleds, dumbbells etc.) and erg machines (Ski, Row, Bike, Run) to have you sweating good, and feeling good.
Drop body fat, improve your cardiovascular health, enhance aerobic and anaerobic capacities while preparing you for any and all physical tasks.

Athletic Aesthetic
Our spin on weight training for those who want to maximise aesthetics, body composition and strength goals.
A 45-minute class that incorporates barbells, dumbbells and commercial based machines to target specific body parts.
2 main workouts per week, plus 2 optional conditioning days and you have everything you need to achieve amazing physique results.
The A Series – each day is focused on a different compound lift - utilising multiple large muscle groups to build strength and stimulate muscle growth. You will have two options; hypetrophy/strength or strength (following Everyday Strength + Fitness programming). You can expect to see exercises such as squats, deadlifts, rows + overhead presses..BODY COMPOSITION
The B Series – this block of work will include multiple muscle groups, trained in isolation with techniques to build shape + definition. Expect higher rep ranges, isolation movements, supersets and tempo work. You’ll use a wider range of equipment (barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands + resistance machines). -
Every 75s for 10 Sets
Complete 5 Reps @70%
You Go, I Go:
B1. Leg Press
B2. Walking Barbell Lunges
B3. Barbell Hip Thrust Drop-Set
B4. Glute-Bias Dumbbell RDL
A week typically looks like:
Lower Body; Squats with a focus on Quads & GlutesTUESDAY
Upper Body; with a focus on Back & Arms with some added gymnasticsTHURSDAY
Lower Body; Deadlifts with a focus on Hamstring & GlutesThese classes do not have a fitness component; we recommend combining with our Conditioning classes on Wednesday and Saturday.
If you like to train hard with focus, intention and consistency then Athletic Aesthetic classes will deliver you visible, positive results.
✓ Develop lean muscle
✓ Improve overall strength
✓ Bullet-proof your core
✓ Reduce/prevent lower back pain and other injuries
✓ Improve general performance & wellbeing
Plus you’ll also learn the wonder of the ‘mind-muscle’ connection to optimise your training and shape your body.

Mixed Bag WOD
A real mix of programming and workouts for you to treat on.
30-minute classes that will have a different focal point every session...challenging fitness pieces, abs only, resistance training machines, popular CrossFit workouts, cardio machine capacity, weightlifting etc...the options are endless.
Complimentary on any autopay membership you can do them as a double day session (if you train in the morning), an add on if you train at 4.30pm or a primer before the 6pm class.
Enjoy the rush and dose of fitness!